You worked hard to secure your wealth.

Our first priority is to protect what you entrust to us. As a thoughtful, caring steward, we help those with more than $2 million plan and invest for their financial goals.

Our family office services include financial planning and comprehensive global wealth management for individuals and business owners.

How We Serve

Whether you come to us with an existing portfolio, low-basis/concentrated positions, or with cash proceeds from a business sale or inheritance, our team of investment professionals spends time getting to know your unique needs and goals.

We design these strategies for your unique needs. These strategies are flexible—both for your life journey and also for the broad sweeps of market cycles.

Our clients have direct access to the portfolio managers creating their investment strategies.

We start by understanding you in order to customize an investment strategy for you.

Our Process

We start by understanding you: your timeline, tolerance for risk, tax situation, and any other special circumstances in order to customize an investment strategy for you.

Then, we develop a plan to move forward in light of market conditions.

Staff meeting to discuss investment management strategies
Two CIP staff members looking at a computer screen and discussing investment management

Wealth Transition

Investing for generations requires understanding your past and thinking about your assets with a long-term outlook all while being mindful of shorter-term obstacles.

Our comprehensive solutions include globally diversified strategies utilizing a combination of equities (stocks), fixed income (bonds), alternative assets (anything other than stocks, bonds or cash), and cash.

Crafting a legacy for the generations to come:

  • Predicated on current portfolio insights and long-term perspectives
  • Anticipated timeline
  • Tax Considerations

Visit our Financial Planning page to learn more.

Disclosure: Asset allocation does not protect against loss of principal due to market fluctuations. It is a method used to help manage investment risk. Please note that all investments are subject to market and other risk factors, which could result in loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values.

Investment Philosophy

Today’s world demands a global investment focus. Successful investing requires a balance between reward and risk.

Our first priority is to protect the capital you have entrusted to us.

We favor high-quality companies, which we define as those with competitive advantages in their markets and a history of strong financial & operational performance.

For the core of a portfolio, we look for individual securities that show consistent earnings growth, and strong balance sheets while selling at a good value relative to their peers.

We employ both individual securities and/or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) to achieve diversification and to meet our performance expectations.

  • Growth
  • GARP
  • Value

The investment team is comprised of disciplined and tenured individuals with significant experience managing global portfolios for both individual and institutional investors.

The unique experiences of each member of our investment team shape our philosophy of investing. Meet the Team.

We invest in both growth and value stocks to navigate financial markets through time and cycles.

We invest in both growth and value stocks – shifting when appropriate – to navigate financial markets through time and cycles. CIP’s investment strategies embrace both active and low-cost indexed management.

  • Asset Allocation
  • Portfolio Construction
  • Security Selection

Top-down Analysis

Bottom-up Analysis

Select a section on the graph above to view more description.

  • Asset Allocation

    Select optimal mix of stocks, bonds, alternative assets, and cash

  • Portfolio Construction

    Determine appropriate blend of investments within each major asset class

  • Security Selection

    Select individual securities owned in the portfolio

Our Portfolios

Our portfolios are mindfully crafted for five different investment objectives. Through the years, your objectives may change, and our approach may too.

We intentionally have wide ranges for each asset class to be nimble when market conditions warrant.

Our firm is employee-owned. Hence, we bring an owner’s mindset and work ethic. Consistent with that belief is that the partners choose to have a meaningful portion of our own net worth invested as we do for clients.

Diversified Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) may be used in lieu of individual securities when appropriate diversification may not be achieved either by account size or other factors.

ObjectiveCashFixed IncomeEquityAlternatives
Equity Emphasis0-20%0-40%50-90%0-20%
Fixed Income Emphasis0-20%50-90%0-40%0-20%
Fixed Income0-20%60-100%0-20%0-20%

Disclosure: An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of pooled investment security that operates much like a mutual fund. Typically, ETFs will track a particular index, sector, commodity, or other asset, but unlike mutual funds, ETFs can be purchased or sold on a stock exchange the same way that a regular stock can. An ETF can be structured to track anything from the price of an individual commodity to a large and diverse collection of securities. ETFs can even be structured to track specific investment strategies.

Asset Tactical Weights

  • Equity

    EquityChart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolioCash2Fixed Income10Equity78Alternatives10

    Chart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolio

  • Equity Emphasis

    Equity EmphasisChart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolioCash2Fixed Income19Equity60Alternatives10

    Chart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolio

  • Balanced

    BalancedChart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolioCash2Fixed Income38Equity50Alternatives10

    Chart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolio

  • Fixed Income Emphasis

    Fixed Income EmphasisChart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolioCash2Fixed Income68Equity20Alternatives10

    Chart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolio

  • Fixed Income

    Fixed IncomeChart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolioCash2Fixed Income88Alternatives10

    Chart showing the percentage of cash, fixed income, equity, and alternatives in the portfolio

ObjectiveCashFixed IncomeEquityAlternatives
Equity Emphasis0-20%0-40%50-90%0-20%
Fixed Income Emphasis0-20%50-90%0-40%0-20%
Fixed Income0-20%60-100%0-20%0-20%

Contact Us

Interested in more information? Reach out and let’s explore how we can support you in achieving your financial goals.