Top 5 reasons why we believe advisors partner with CIP:

  1. Personal relationship to understand your practice, clients, and communication preferences
  2. We support advisors in discussions with prospective clients to earn new business
  3. CIP serves as your Outsourced Investment Team
  4. If you want our participation, we are a client resource for account reviews
  5. Investor Education

Freedom To Live An Inspired Life®. This language is more than a Registered Trademark. It is the life we strive to give to all of our financial advisors and their clients by being careful, knowledgeable stewards.

Your funds are entrusted to a firm that actively manages for both return and risk control across changing market cycles. We are a global GARP (Growth At A Reasonable Price) manager.

Advisor meeting with client in office

It is the life we strive to give to all of our financial advisors and their clients by being careful, knowledgeable stewards.

Freedom To Live An Inspired Life®. This language is more than a Registered Trademark. It is the life we strive to give to all of our financial advisors and their clients by being careful, knowledgeable stewards.

Your funds are entrusted to a firm that actively manages for both return and risk control across changing market cycles. We are a global GARP (Growth At A Reasonable Price) manager.

Due Diligence for Financial Advisors

We are not perfect though we work hard to be disciplined and to keep mistakes small.

We embrace the obligations that derive from serving as fiduciaries. A couple of key elements of our approach to SMAs:

  • Global
  • Multi-asset class
  • Custom portfolio management
  • While most of our work is secular portfolio management, we also offer Christian Values portfolios
Woman working at desk on investment management

Due Diligence

We invest in both growth and value securities.

We favor high-quality companies, which we define as those with competitive advantages in their markets and a history of strong financial & operational performance.

In addition, we look for individual securities that show consistent earnings growth, while being valuable relative to their peers.

Our philosophy is to select individual securities while utilizing ETFs, to support areas we believe benefit from additional diversification, or when low liquidity is present in smaller markets around the world.

We invest in both growth and value securities – shifting when appropriate – to navigate financial markets through time and cycles. CIP’s investment strategies embrace both active and passive management.

Our portfolios are mindfully crafted for five different investment objectives. Through time, your objectives may change, and our approach may too.

To learn more about our investment philosophy and process, visit our Investment Management page.

Disclosure: There is no guarantee a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not protect against market risk.

We invest in both growth and value securities.

EquitiesFixed IncomeAlternative Assets
Typical % of Portfolio50-65%25-40%0-10%
PurposeGrowth and IncomeDiversification, Safety and IncomeDiversification and Income
InvestmentsUS Large Cap
US Small/Mid-Cap
INTL Large Cap
INTL Small/Mid-Cap
US Government
US Corporate, International
US Preferred Stock
US Real Estate
INTL Real Estate
Global Infrastructure
Primary Investment VehicleIndividual StocksExchange Traded Funds (ETFs)Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
Value AddAsset Allocation
Portfolio Construction
Security Selection
Asset Allocation
Portfolio Construction
Asset Allocation
Portfolio Construction

How to Access CIP for SMAs

We manage accounts at a variety of custodians and TAMPs. We use a consistent process and you can access CIP to manage:

  • Global Core with individual stocks
  • ETF strategies
  • Christian Values-Based Investing (both SMA and PRAY ETF)
  • Unitized Model Portfolios (UMPs) for 401(k) and Cash Balance Plans

If you’d like to learn more about how to access CIP for SMAs, please feel free to reach out to us.

GIPS® - Global Investment Performance Standards

The Global Investment Performance Standards* are a comprehensive set of voluntary principles for investment firms around the world to follow.

Our firm strongly believes in the importance of transparency and a fair representation of our investment performance.

Capital Insight Partners** claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has been independently verified. Please contact us to obtain a GIPS Report and/or a list of CIP composite descriptions.

Our firm strongly believes in the importance of transparency and a fair representation of our investment performance.

*GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

**Capital Insight Partners, LLC (“CIP”) is a registered investment adviser with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance with the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Registration with the SEC does not imply a certain level of skill or training.

Contact Us

Interested in more information? Reach out and let’s explore how we can support you in achieving your financial goals.